A change of …

I decided many moons ago within my soul to now only study and pursue African theory, literature, philosophy, and theology.   From 15+ years of colonial education, indoctrination, and self deprivation, this feels right to my soul.  Yet I won’t follow it under a prescribed curriculum.  The curriculum of my learning hasn’t been created yet and if I choose one it will be something that will evoke change in our current systems.

While thinking loudly, I believe my sensibility and pedagogy on how I learn directly evolved from the theory and practice of engagement, questioning,  unorthodox approaches, creativity, spirituality of choice outside theology yet within the history of its existence, and of intense immersion of love. Why wouldn’t I want to create something that has more fire than the sun?   In the essence of what I share, I am who I am due to having the most loving mother that was ever created.  Anyone who has been in her presence will say she is the most giving and nurturing person in the world. So in summary,  she taught me love.  As with many black people on the earth especially in america you mother is like your best friend in a particular way.

who I am right now, is a portrait within time, framed from a small black congregation of southern thought leaders who migrated  up North due to job shifts to Muskegon, a small industrial town near the vibrant shores of lake Michigan.   The water taught me fortitude persistence, quietness, and with direct intentions of every wave and thinking that comes out of me.  I’m more than Greek mythology, English prose, Capitalism, imperialism etc.., and I am not ever losing sigt of love.  My world hasn’t been without strife yet I persist within the bleeding lines of innovation, exuberant wisdom, and continuous insights.


I am the future and beyond.

I am learning in its authentic state.

I am more than the eye can see

I give of myself daily to high wave lengths of existence

I follow my passion and desires with intentionality.

I am strategic in every breath that I take

I am more than my breath can fill within the atmosphere of impurities

I create new universes within the realm of the  living

I am a mother of new thinking

I am a facilitator of creative systems

I am love.

In its purest essence

and so forth love what it is….is my life journey and lesson.

This world is a matrix of paradoxes

Its old. it only seeks to recreate itself.

It is time, my people to love.

welcome to my narrative art.

